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台灣產菟絲子屬植物之研究 Research of Cuscuta in Taiwan 廖國媖 Liao, Gwo-Ing 國立成功大學生命科學系 Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng-Kung University摘要菟絲子屬(Cuscuta, dodder)是旋花科(Convolvlaceae)中唯一的全寄生性植物(holoparasitic plant),全球已知有100~200種。台灣的菟絲子屬植物具有五個分類群:菟絲子(又名南方菟絲子;C. australis R. Br.)、平原菟絲子(C. campestris Yunck.)、中國菟絲子(C. chinensis Lam.)、台灣菟絲子(C. japonica Choisy var. formosana (Hayata)Yunck.)及日本菟絲子(C. japonica Choisy var. japonia) (Liao et al., 2000),其中菟絲子自1972年後迄今未在台灣地區再發現;平原菟絲子分布最廣,寄主多達265種;中國菟絲子寄主有36種;台灣菟絲子是台灣特有變種,寄主有182種;日本菟絲子寄主有48種;菟絲子屬寄主種類包括蕨類、裸子植物、雙子葉植物及單子葉植物(廖等,2005)。有些菟絲子種類在某些國家地區有危害作物或成為入侵植物的報導,然而有些菟絲子種類在某些國家是藥用植物。Parker Riches(1993)論述世界的寄生性雜草,其中菟絲子屬有14種植物被視為全球寄生性雜草,包括分布在台灣的菟絲子、平原菟絲子、中國菟絲子及日本菟絲子。 Abstract Dodder is a serious holoparasite of crops and pastures. Dodder is the common name for species belonging to the genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). There are about 100~200 species of Cuscuta, 5 of which are found in Taiwan. There are C. australis R. Br., C. campestris Yunck., C. chinensis Lam., C. japonica Choisy var. formosana (Hayata)Yunck and C. japonica Choisy var. japonica respectively (Liao et al., 2000). In the above mentioned taxa, C. australis is never collected since 1972 in Taiwan, while C. campestris is the most popular dodders with more than 265 hosts. C. chinensis with only 36 hosts distributed in a few areas. The endemic dodder, C. japonica var. formosana has 182 hosts and C. japonica var. japonica has 48 hsots respectively. Dodders infect almost all the vascular plants including ferns, gymnosperms, dicots and monocots respectively (Liao et al. 2005). Some species of dodder are reported as crop pests of worldwide distribution or invasive plants, whereas others are extremely rare and have local distributions and apparent niche specificity. However, some were used as medicinal herb in several countries. All dodders in Taiwan are included in the 14 major parasitic weed species of the world (Parker Riches, 1993). 菟絲子的分類地位 菟絲子(dodder)是一群全寄生性植物(holoparasitic plan


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