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预测试题三 Part IWriting (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Idea on Remedial Classes. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1) 中学生节假日补课现象十分普遍2) 补课对大部分学生来说没有必要My Idea on Remedial Classes Part IIReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) The Real Death of Print  Vishwas Chavan travels a lot. As an informatician, he collects data on what types of animal live where in India to enter into a biodiversity database. Yet the specimens he hunts for have neither fur nor feathers, but yellowing pages and aging dustjackets.  Much of the information Chavan seeks is in old, outofprint tomes that are scattered around the world; about 2,500 of the 7,000 books he has unearthed were written in the first half of the nineteenth century.   Chavan and other digitization visionaries paint a future in which books no longer gather dust on shelves, but exist as interconnected nodes in a vast web of stored literature, all accessible at the click of a mouse.   A few years ago, Chavans dream seemed little more than a castle in the air(空中楼阁). True, a number of mostly volunteerdriven or publicly funded projects had been scanning books and making them freely available on the Internet. But most efforts were limited.  In December 2004, the Internet search engine company Google announced plans to change that. It said it would scan millions of books from five major libraries: the university libraries of Oxford, Harvard, Stanford and Michigan, and the New York Public Library.  The move to digitize books is set to transform the worlds of publishers, librarians, authors, readers and researchers. Obscure specialist titles could find new readerships; librarians and information specialists will have to develop tools to catalogue and navigate this labyrinth (迷宫) of data; and authors and publishers may soon have to start thinking in digital dimensions, just as w


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