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奖学金评定的模糊综合评价模型 摘 要 随着现在社会的进步和学生大量的扩招,学生的优秀度就有待于考究,为了创造出和谐校园,使校园学习氛围更浓,学校实施奖学金制度,学校实施奖学金制度是为了鼓励先进,鞭策后进,在学生中形成比、学、敢、帮、超的良好学风。学生评优的基本思想是为了更加合理的促进学生各方面的发展,在考虑众多因素时不失关键的信息。在众多因素中按照主次依次排开,以便于保证评优的公平性、客观性和合理性。 模糊数学是诞生于1965年的一种全新的数学体系,近十几年更是遍布于各个领域,模糊技术越来越成为解决当今复杂问题的一种手段。模糊综合评价的应用思想,可以根据实际问题的需要进行选择性的分类和人性化的评价。 学生评优就是所有备选的学生中按照不同的评优标准进行比例计算,从而达到从中选择优秀学生的目地。本文采用模糊数学中的模糊综合评价方法,该方法对奖学金评定中的各因素进行量化,对不同的需求选择不同的权重进行计算,制定出一套可行的确定权重的方法,进而建立一个更为简单的数学模型。该模型更为方便的进行比较学生的总体素质,为人才选拔提供更为客观的依据。从而使奖学金的评定更加简单且公平。 关键词:学生奖学金制度,模糊综合评价,模糊数学 Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the scholarship evaluation model Abstract Along with the progress of modern society and students of enrollment,Students will be in excellent degrees,In order to create a harmonious campus,Make more concentrated study atmosphere campus,The school scholarship system implementation.The school encouraged to implement system of scholarship is advanced,the lash junior, Among the students,learning, than for the good and style. The basic idea is to students decide to more reasonable rewards students all aspects of development.In considering many factors be key information.In numerous factors according to the primary and secondary sections in order to ensure that the extension of fairness,objective and reasonable. Fuzzy mathematics is born in 1965 a new mathematical system,In recent years is in various fields. Today ,Fuzzy technology to solve complex problems become a tool.The application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation ideology,can according to practical problems need to selectively classification and humanization of evaluation. Students appraising is that all options for students according to the appraisal criteria different proportion calculation, so as to achieve the purpose of selecting excellent students from. This paper adopts fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy mathematics, the method to quantify the various factors of the scholarship assessment, on the different needs of different options to calcu


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