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2010年 第1 期 物流工程与管理 供应链管理 第32卷 总第187期 LOGISTICS ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4993.2010.01.030 【摘 要】 【关键词】 【中图分类号】F224;F273 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4993(2010)01-0083-03 □ JIA Hong-fei,LU Shou-quan (Transportation and Traffic College, Jilin University, Changchun 130042,China) 【Abstract】To solve the special problem of supply chain coordination for short-life-cycle products, the multi-period incentive problem of the supply chain system coordination is analyzed by adopting the game theory in the paper. The final coordination result of the supply chain system coordination is given theoretically and the supply chain system is in the state of equilibrium. The dynamic incentive model of supply chain coordination for short-life-cycle products is established by applying markov decision process and the overall and most profit of finite-interval supply chain system is realized in multi-period. By numerical analysis, the optimality policy for the dynamic coordination of the supply chain is attained. The potential of the supply chain system is deeply mined by dynamic incentive. On the basis of the incentive content in the existing paper concerned, the paper lays emphasis on solving the incentive process. Thereby, the organic combination of static and dynamic incentive is realized in the supply chain system coordination. 【Key words】short-life-cycle products; su


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