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何 峰, 郑 勇 , 骆亚波 , 任红飞
( 161081 , 100094; 2 , 450052)
: GPS 动态测量技术的应用日益广泛使得其精度检测显得越发重要本文介绍了GPS 动态测量
技术概况, 计了基于旋转平台的检测系统并分析了该系统用于GPS 动态检测的位置和速度精度
基于检测系统对GPS 单双动态相对测量精度进行了检测实验, 结果表明, 静态与低动态条件下
(0314ms 以下) , 水平和高程两方向上测量结果差异均很小, 水平方向的标准差在5mm 以内, 高
程方向上的误差接近1cm; 不同动态条件下的双动态相对测量中, 不仅出现了2~ 3mm 的系统误差,
还存在7~ 10mm 的标准差在实验条件得到改善基础上, 该系统还可以进 一步用于RTK 测量的检
: GPS; 动态检测; 旋转平台
: P2284 : B
Precision inspection and analysis of GPS dynamic surveying
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He Feng , heng Yong , Luo Yabo , Ren Hongfei
( 1 61081 Troop s , Beij ing 100094, China ;
2S urv eying and Mapp ing I nstitute , Inf ormation E ng ineering University of PLA , Zhengzhou 450052, China)
Abstract: The precision inspection becomes more and more important since GPS dynamic surveying technology
has been widely used. This paper introduced the GPS dynamic surveying, the design of rotation-flat-based
inspection system, and the analysis of precision for position and velocity. The inspection experiments are carried
out for both the single and the double dynamic relative surveying of GPS. According to the result, there is little
difference between static error and dynamic ones ( lower than 0314ms) for vertical or horizontal result under the
condition of GPS dynamic differential surveying, in which the horizontal standard deviation is lower than 5mm,
while the vertical ones is near 1cm. The experiments of different double-moved GPS dynamic surveying prove a
systematic error of 2~ 3mm and a standard deviation of 7~ 10mm. Therefore, this system can be used in the
inspection of RTK when condition is improved.
Key words: GPS; dynamic inspection; rotation flat
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