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PKPM(PREC) 1 2 1 杨 军 高博青 符 刚 ( 11 , 310001;21 , 310027) : PKP ( PREC) , PKP ( PREC) PKP ( P SAP) PKP (PREC) , , , : ; ; ; PKP ( PREC); PKP ( P SAP) A PRACTICAL CALCULATION METHOD OF PRE-STRESS CONCRETE STRUCTURE CONSIDERING TEMPERATURE INTERNAL FORCE WITH PKPM(PREC) SOFTWARE 1 2 1 Yang Jun Gao Boqing Fu Gang ( 11 Architectural Civil Engineering Design Institute Co1 ,Ltd in Hangzhou,Hangzhou 310001, China; 21 Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027, China) Abstract:By now, pre-stress concrete temperature stress effect cann. t be considered with PKP ( PREC) software, this is not safe for the workshop structure of longer longitudinal1 A PKP ( PREC) software combination PKP ( P SAP) software method is adopted to analyze pre-stress concrete temperature stress1 pre-stress reinforcing bar quantities , crack widths and deflections are obtained under temperature stress effect1 It becomes possible to consider temperature stress calculating pre-stress concrete structure by PKP ( P SAP) software1 oreover, the stiffness reduction factor of pre-stress beams and other components are taken in, temperature internal forces gotten by calculation are decreased than conventional method, which coincides well wrth actual condition1 Key ords:pre-stress; temperature internal force;rigidity reduction; PKP ( PREC); PKP ( P SAP) = 017f ptk, OV 1 2 2 20 228 m , 1, 5 , 2 96 m,36 m,412 m 12 96 m, m,121 6101 8121 6 m 1 , 96


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