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28 1999 20 6 LASER JOU RNAL( Vol20, No. 61999) WDM+ EDFA+ DCF 毛幼菊 汪学强 ( 重庆邮电学院, 重庆 400065) : WDM + EDFA ( SMF) 1550nm , ( DCF) WDM + EDFA+ DCF , DCF ( XPM) ( FWM) , DCF , : , , , The analysis of dispersi on compensation in WDM+ EDFA+ DCF optical f iber transmission systems M ao Youj u Wang X ueqi ang ( Chongqing Univer ity of Po t and Telecommunication , Chongqing 400065) Abstract : Since di per ion of inglemode f iber in the 1550nm w avelength region re trict optical ignal to propagate a longhaul lin k in W DM + EDFA optical tran mi ion y tem , optimal method i to em ploy di per ion compen ation f iber to com pen ate di per ion of ingle mode fiber in order to realize a longhaul tran m i ion. In thi paper, w e di cu ed the im pact of DCF di per ion com pen ation on f ourwave m ixing and cro pha e modulation in WDM + EDFA+ DCF y tem . So, it i ugge ted that employing a lum ped, undercompen ation ,and po tpo ition compen ation cheme can improve the y tem tran mi ion perf ormance. Key words: di per ion compen ation, DCF,XPM , FW M 1 引言 DCF , W DM EDFA , , 0 7 , WDM + FWM ( ) EDFA XPM ( ) DCF , DCF SM F( ) , 1310nm ( lumped di per ion compen ation) ( di , EDFA 1550nm , SM F tr ibuted di per ion compen ation) ( under , 15 ~ 20p / km nm , compen ation) ( fullcompen ation) EDFA , ( po tpo itio n compen ation) ( prepo , WDM + EDFA+ ition compen ation) , ,


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