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ISS N 1002- 4956 26 6 2009 6
CN 11- 2034/ T Ex per m ent al T echnol ogy and M anagem ent V ol. 26 N o . 6 Ju n. 2009
林遂芳, 郭会军, 李 强, 任海鹏, 邱 婷
( 西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院, 陕西 西安 71004 8)
: LabV IEW8, ,
, ,
: ; ; L abVI EW
: T P27 3; T P391. 0 : A : 2009)
Model dent f cat on of the pneumat c servosystem based on LabVIEW
L n Su fang, Guo H u jun, L Q ang , Ren H a peng , Q u T ng
( Schoo l o f Automat c and Informat on Eng neer ng , X an un vers t y of technolo gy , X an 710048, Ch na)
Abstract: Based o n the v rt ual nstruments develo pment plat formL abV IEW 8, one data acqu r ng and analy s s
sy stem s des g ned to u se for the dent f cat on o f the pneumat c servosystem . T he structure of the system
so ftw ar e s flex ble to ntegr ate other advanced system dent f cat o n method , espec ally ntell g ent metho d. So
th s sy stem s easy to be adopted n r eal teach ng act v t es . T he exper ment nd cates that th s sy stem s no t
only rel able but also w o rth ex tend ng to other sy stem dent f cat on cases .
Key words: sy st em dent f cat on ; pneumat c ser vosy stem ; LabV IEW
( 4 kW)
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