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设备设计与维修 1 1 2 3 3 针对常规模糊控制器控制精度较低且稳态品质差的问题, 提出一种提高模糊控制器控制精度并能改善稳态 能 的方法首先提出一种提高模糊控制器控制精度的设计方案并给出它的设计方法, 然后对这种改进后的模糊控制器进 行仿真分析, 并和常规模糊控制器进行比较仿真试验结果表明, 这种改进的模糊控制器具有降低系统稳态误差和抑制 稳态震颤的作用, 提高模糊控制器的精度, 改善系统对斜坡输入的伺服 能, 而且保持模糊控制器非线 的控制特 : : TH 16 : A : 1671) 3133( 2005) 06) 010 1) 04 The design and simulation of a two-order high accuracy fuzzy controlling system Zhang Jie, Gu Yongyu, Yi ongping, Jiang Guoyong, BaiHongxiang Abstract In view of the control accu racy of eneral fuzzy control system w as lower as w ell as its quality of stable statew as bad, a m eans to hei hten the control accuracy of fuzzy control sy stem and mi prove its stab le state perform ance is introduced . A des i n thinkin of hei h ten in the accuracyw as brou ht forw ard and the desi n way was iven. Then to smi ulink and analyze w ith MAT- LAB for the mi proved fuzzy controller, and com pared w ith eneral fuzzy controller. The resu lt of smi ulation testin ind icated that the mi proved controllerm ay reduce the stable state errorw hile it also m ay restrain stable state d ind le, so hei htenin the control accuracy, w hat. s m ore, it can mi prove the servo quality of control system to ramp input, m eanwh ile it keeps non-linearity equality of fuzzy controller. K ey words: Two-order Fuzzy contro l Control accuracy Simulink and analyze , 1 , , PID , , , , , e ec , 1, , A B (AB ) 1. 1 , , e ec , I 1 , J , :


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