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2010 10 : 1001- 2265( 2010) 10- 0079- 03 * 刀具实时健康监测系统研究 单宁 (武警工程学院装备运输系, 西安 710086) :为保证加工过程中工件加工质量, 降低废品率, 须实时监测刀具的健康状态分 了刀具声发 射检测机理, 设计了一非接触式光纤 F-P传感器,建立基于光纤声发射技术的刀具实时监测系统, 利 用虚拟仪器技术开发了切削加工过程中刀具监测的声发射信号采集和报警软件, 进行了实验研究 结果表明, 该系统能有效实现刀具切削过程中状态变化的非接触监测, 系统软件界面友好, 操作简 单, 具有 一定的灵活性, 易于扩展功能, 可靠性高, 成本低 : 声发射技术; 虚拟仪器; 刀具;健康监测 : T 115; TP274 : A Study on Tool R eal-tim eH ea lth M onitoring System SHAN Ning (Department of Equipment and Transportation, Engineering College of CAPF, X i an 710086, China) Abstract: The health of tool must be real-time monitored in order to assure the machining quality of w orkpiece and reduce the ratio ofwaster in the process. n this paper, the detecting theory of tool based on acoustic emission is analyzed. A non-contact optical fiberF-P sensor is designed. The real-timemo- nitoring system of tool based on optical fiberacoustic emission is established. The collection and alarm softw are of acoustic emission signals is developed by adopted the virtual instrument technology. Exper- imental study is carried through. The results show that the system can monitor the changing state of tool in themachining process efficiently and fast and non-contact. The system software has a friendly in- terface and simple operation. t has certain flexibility, high reliability, good expansibility and low cost. K ey w ords: acoustic emission technology; virtual instrument; too l; health monitoring 0 ,


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