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26 1 Vol. 26, No. 1
20 10 2 Structural Engineers Feb. 20 10
杨 佐 赵 勇 苏小卒
(, 200092)
收集整理了国内外桥梁设计规范的混凝土桥梁截面竖向温度 度模式, 通过具体算例对这些
模式的温度效应进行了比较, 并采用有限元方法对该算例的温度效应进行了时程分析分析结果表明:
不同温度 度模式下的应力分布具有 一定相似性, 温度基数的取值对温度作用效应有较大影响, 对于温
度应力及温度挠度的计算是否可采用同一 度模式, 值得进 一步研究
竖向温度 度, 温度效应, 温度应力, 温度挠度, 混凝土桥梁
Comparison ofVertical Temperature Gradients at Cross Sections of
Concrete Bridges in Bridge Design Codes of D ifferent Countries
YANG Zuo ZHAO Yong SU X iaozu
( Departm ent of Bu ilding Engineering, T ongjiUn iversit , Shanghai 200092, Ch ina)
Abstract V ertical temperature gradients at cross sections of concrete bridges in bridge design codes of
different countries w ere reviewed. Thermal effects under these models were compared through a specific
example, and the temperature tmi eh istor anal sis for this examp le w as performed b the fin ite elemen t
method. Results show that there is a certain smi ilarit betw een thermal stress distributions under d ifferen t
models, and the value of basis for temperature grad ien ts has a great mi pact on thermal effects, further research
needs to be performed to determ ine whether the same temperature gradient model can be used for the
calcu lation of both the thermal stress and the deflection.
K eywords vertical temperature grad ient, thermal effect, thermal stress, therm al deflection, concrete bridge
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