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Environment Protection Landscape Design
—— 以无锡古运河(南尖—南门吊桥)两侧地区景观设计为例
Study on the Methods to Protect and Develop the Landscape Design of
Urban Waterfront: Taking the Landscape Design of the Bilateral Areas of Ancient
Canal (from Nanjian to Nanmen Hanging Bridge) in Wuxi City as the Example
李 娴 Li Xian
林 建 海 Lin Jianhai
中图分类号 TU984.199
文献标识码 B
文章编号 1003-739X(2008)01-0139-03
摘 要 无锡古运河是城市社会经济和历史文化发展的缩影和见证,是祖先赐予无锡不可再生的资源和
关键词 景观设计 城市滨水区 古运河 无锡
Abstract The Ancient Canal in Wuxi is the miniature and witness of the urban social
economy and the historical culture development, which is non-regenerative resource
and valuable wealth of the city vouchsafed by ancestor. Protection and development
of the Ancient Canal play great roles in the improvement of the environment quality and
the landscape image in the city. Taking the landscape design of the Ancient Canal (from
Nanjian to Nanmen Hanging Bridge) in Wuxi City as the example, this paper discusses how 图1 项目区位图
to protect and develop the landscape design of urban waterfront.
Key Words Landscape design, Urban waterfront, Ancient Canal, Wuxi City
城市滨水地带的规划和景观设计,一直是近年 多目标的设计,要求设计人员能够全面、综合地提 家园”的会议精神 ,为了进一步加强城市绿化生
来的热点。滨水区设计一个最重要的特征,在于它 出问题,解决问题 。 态环境建设,营造优美的城市空间,结合古运河自然
是复杂的综合问题,涉及多个领域。作为城市中人 无锡古运河,是城市社会经济和历史文化发