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第34 卷 第9 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 34 No. 9
2010 年9 月 Power System Technology Sep. 2010
文章编号:1000-3673 (2010 )09-0007-06 中图分类号:TM 734 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4054
基于 DL/T 645—2007 协议的
(中国电力科学研究院,北京市海淀区 100192 )
Research and Development of Embedded Communication Software for Smart Meters
Based on DL/T 645—2007 Protocol
MENG Junxia, ZHU Ninghui, BAI Xiaomin, ZHOU Ziguan
(China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China)
ABSTRACT: The DL/T 645—2007 protocol for multi- 0 引言
function watt-hour meter is drafted to unify and standardize the
data exchange between multi-function watt-hour meters and 智能电网将传统相对封闭的电力系统转变成
data terminal equipments. To reduce code amount of embedded 一个开放的网络,电力用户从被动的接受者转变成
communication software in watt-hour meter and improve the 系统运行的友好参与者,电网和用户的互动是在大
execution efficiency of communication software, on the basis
of analyzing characteristics of encoding table for data
成的 。智能电表既是信息的检测和收集者,也是
identification in DL/T 645—2007 protocol, data that is metered,
processed and recorded by a watt-hour meter is organized and 电网和用户之间数据传递的桥梁 。它具有的双向
stored rationally. A smart meter acts as a slave station, which 通信功能是实现互动的基础,其先进的通信设施和
receives communication commands from a mas