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, ,
(上海交通大学, 上海 200030)
: ; C8051F330, ,
, ;
, M atlab Fuzzy Logic S mi u link
: ; ; ; ;
: U 63. 22 : A : 2007)
A bstrac t: Th is paper gives a brief introduction of the structu re and principles of hydrau lic coupling. In th is article, an in
telligent m on itoring and control system is designed, by tak ing the s ingle ch ip C8051F330 as the con trol kernel, and tak ing
HSV instead of proportion valve to control the p iston s position of the servo cylinder, then to adjust the speed of hydraulic
coup ling. Them athem aticalm odel of the servo cylinder is astab lished and the fuzzy controller is s mi u lated using Fuzzy Log
ic and S mi u link toolbox ofM atlab. The mi pact of quan tify factor, proportion factor, etc. on the perform ance of the system
is obtained.
K ey w ord s: hydrau lic coupling; intelligent contro;l fuzzy contro;l single ch ip; mon itoring system
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