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2009 4 2009 No. 4 2 0 0 9 8 AERO W EAPONRY Aug. 2009 罗 亮, 刘春生 (南京航空航天大学自动化学院, 南京 210016) : 针对 JM 方案没有考虑场景变换对误码掩盖影响的不足, 提出了一种 于场景检测 的空时域自适应误码掩盖算法该算法首先检测当前帧是否为场景变换帧, 再根据帧类型为 I帧 或P 帧自适应选择时域或空域误码掩盖方法实验证明, 该算法能有效地解决场景变换对误码掩 盖的影响, 取得很好的主观及客观视频质量 : H. 264 /AVC; 误码掩盖; 场景检测; 自适应; 空时域 : TP391. 41 : A : 1673- 5048( 2009) 04- 0053- 05 Adaptive Spatialtim e E rror Concealm ent A lgorithm Based on Scene Change Detection LUO L i ng, LIU Chunsheng ( College ofAutom tion Engineering, N njing University of Aeron utics A stron utics, N njing 2 100 16, Ch in ) Abs tract: In view of the shortcom ings of JM, w hich the influence of scene ch nge on error conce l ment is not cosidered, n d ptive sp ti ltmi e dom in error conce lment method is proposed b sed on scene ch nge detection in this p per. W ith th ismethod, whether there is scene ch nge in current fr me is judged, nd then the sp ti ldom in or tmi edom in error conce lment method d ptively b sed on the types of the fr me is chosen. Smi ul tion results demonstr te its consider b le mi provem ent on objective nd subjective qu lity of reconstructed pictures, nd it proved th t the proposed method c n elmi in te the neg tive effect on error conce lm ent by scene ch nge. K ey w ord s: H. 264 /AVC; error conce lment; scene ch nge detection; d ptive; sp ti ltmi e do m in DCT 0 , , MPEG- 4( smi ple pro [ 2] file), H. 264 /AVC 50% ,



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