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第36 卷 第11 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 36 No. 11
2012 年11 月 Power System Technology Nov. 2012
文章编号:1000-3673 (2012 )11-0087-07 中图分类号:TM 712 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4054
(电力系统及发电设备控制和仿真国家重点实验室(清华大学 电机系) ,北京市 海淀区 100084 )
Identification and Validation for Synchronous Generator Parameters Based on
Recorded On-Line Disturbance Data
WU Shuangxi, ZHANG Boming, WU Wenchuan, SUN Hongbin
(State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments
(Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University), Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China)
ABSTRACT: To improve the validity of parameters, a 机参数进行分步辨识,即利用稳态量测辨识稳态参数,利用
parameter identification and validation method is proposed for 扰动量测辨识暂态/次暂态参数。进一步根据发电机功角可
synchronous generator using recorded disturbance data. 测时d、q 轴的解耦特性,对d 轴、q 轴的暂态/次暂态参数
Compared with traditional off-line testing, this process can be 进行解耦辨识。利用分步、解耦的辨识策略进行参数辨识,
done while the units are on-line. Robustness cant be 每一步待辨识的参数不超过4 个,从而提高辨识结果的鲁棒
guaranteed when all parameters are identified together. 性。然后,提出一种基于外部时序受控源的混合动态仿真验
Therefore, a step-by-step identification algorithm for 证策略,实现发电机参数的灵敏验证。最后,利用某实际电
synchronous generator is proposed. Firstly, steady parameters 网的实测扰动数据对实际发电机的参数进行了辨识和验证,
are calculated from steady measurements directly. Then 结果证实了上述方法的有效性。
transient and subtransient parameters are estimated from
disturbance data. Whats more, transient parameters can be
divided into two groups, named d-axis group and q-axis group,