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22 1 V ol. 22 N o. 1
2007 1 Journal of AerospacePower Jan . 2007
: 1000- 8055 ( 2007) 01-004 8- 0 6
舒信伟, 谷传纲, 杨 波, 王 彤
( , 2000 30)
: R A NS .
, Bezier ,
. Bezier ,
, ,
. 8 . 3% .
: V 23 11 3 : A
Aerodynamic optimization for cascade blade based on
Niche GAs and RANS equation
S H U X in- w ei, GU Chuan- gang, Y A N G Bo, WA N G T ong
( School of Mech anical Engineering,
Sh angh ai Jiaotong U niversity, Shanghai 200030, China)
Abstract: A g lob al opt im ization m et hod f or cascade blade based on N iche GA s ( N iche
genet ic algo rithm s) co upled w ith RA N S ( Reynolds- A veraged N avier- St okes) equ at ion h as
been present ed . In order to meet t he search t heo ry of GA s and the aerodynamic p er for mances
of cascade blade, Bezier curve is adopt ed t o paramet eriz e t he cascade blade prof ile in t his
method , and a fit nes s f unct ion pert aining t o optim iz at ion is designed . T he desig n variables
ar e t he cont rol po int s. ordinat es of Bezier curve representing t he cascade blade prof ile the
object funct ion is t he maximum lif t- drag r at io of the cascade t he co nstr aint condit ion s t ake
acco unt of t he leading and t railing edge m et al ang le, and t he st rengt h and aer ody namic p er-
f orm er s of cascade blade and t he tr eat ment met hod o f t he con st raint condit ion s is t he f lex i-
ble p enalt y funct io n. T he lif t- drag rat io of opt imized cascade is 8. 3 p ercent hig her t h an t hat