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第 32 卷 第 4 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.32 No.4 Feb.5, 2012
136 2012 年 2 月 5 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2012 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
文章编号:0258-8013 (2012) 04-0136-09 中图分类号:TM 74 文献标志码:A 学科分类号:47040
(广西大学,广西壮族自治区 南宁市 530004)
Multiple Centrality Corrections Interior Point Optimal Power Flow Algorithm
Based on Optimal Centering Parameter
YANG Linfeng, JIAN Jinbao, HAN Daolan, QUAN Ran
(Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China)
ABSTRACT: Aim to improve the efficiency of solving 心参数评价模型,采用线性化技术对模型近似,以降低模型
optimal power flow (OPF) problem, a new quickly interior 计算量。利用线有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站技术实现近似模型求解以确定最优中心
point method (IPM) was presented based on the techniques of 参数,该参数使得所提算法具有更多的优势步和更少的迭代
optimal centering parameter (OCP) and improved multiple 次数。IMCC 技术可进一步拉大迭代步(尤其是非优势步)步
centrality corrections (IMCC). Named as OCP-IMCCIPM, the 长,实现算法更快收敛。14—1047 节点系统的仿真结果表明,
proposed method integrates equilibrium distance-quality 与其他多种内点算法相比,所提 OCP-IMCCIPM 算法具有更
function (ED-QF) to establish a mathematical model for 大的迭代步长和更快的收敛速度以及更好的计算效果。
evaluating centering parameter. And the approximate 关键词:电力系统;最优潮流;中心参数;多中心校正;内
expression of this model, which can be solved with fewer 点算法
computations than the original one, was proposed using the
linearization technique. After solving the approximate model 0 引言
with the line search technique, the OCPs could be obtained for 法国学者 Carpentier 提出的最优潮流(optimal
the proposed method to owning more dominant steps and less [1]