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测控技术 O. I. Automation 2006 25 5 Measurement and Control Technique2006, Vol. 25, No. 5 100615762006 PID AT89C2051 1 1 2 1. 430072 2. 541004 AT89C2051 PID PID ∆Kp ∆Ki∆Kd PID AT89C2051 TP273.4 A Intellectualized Temperature Control System of AT89C2051 Singlechip Based on Fuzzy-PID 1 1 2 PAN Xiao , GAO Yu-ling , KANG Ya-na (1. Dept. of Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; 2. Dept. of Computer, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China) Abstract: The fuzzy-PID resistance furnace temperature system is based on AT89C2051 singlechip. It includes the power source, the manipulative algorithm, the temperature examination, the keyboard input, the display of the temperature, the correspondence of up PC and the output-control of the switch value and so on. It takes the parameter deviation and the deviation change as input, and the PID controller’s parameters of ∆Kp, ∆ki, ∆Kd as output. The sub program realized the corresponding events by completing zone bit and zone bit judgment. The main program realized the function of the controller through making use of all the subroutines. Keywords: Temperature control; Fuzzy-PID; AT89C2051 singlechip; Resistance furnace 0 (1) 220V 7.5V 5V (2) AT89C2051 2 kBFlash E2PROM PID AT89C2051 8 (3) DS18B20


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