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《 中国卫生经济》 第 卷 第 期 (总第 期) 年 月 药物经济 32 8 366 2013 8 □ 基于集中采购的医药供应链金融模式分析 张智勇① , 彭东亮① , 石永强① 摘 要 结合医药流通发展的现状, 对比分析两种医药流通模式, 得出集中采购模式相对于传统模式在减少流通环节和费 用等方面的优势, 以及货款结算不及时的问题。 针对这种状况, 重点阐述供应链金融的两种主要形式在集中采购模式中的应 用, 为缓解我国中小医药生产企业融资困难问题提供参考。 关键词 医药流通; 流通模式; 集中采购; 供应链金融 中图分类号 R1-9 ; R197 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1003-0743(2013)08-0058-02 DOI 10.7664/CH Analyzing the Financial Modes of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Based on Centralized Procurement/ZHANG Zhi-yong, PENG Dong-liang, SHI Yong-qiang//Chinese Health Economics, 2013,32(8):58-59 Abstract According to the current situation of medicine circulation, the contrast analysis of two medicine circulation modes were compared. To sum up the advantages of reducing the circulation links and circulation costs of centralized procurement mode compared to the traditional model, and the problem of payment settlement is not on time. According to these situations, it focuses on two main forms of supply chain financial application in centralized procurement mode, and provides references for alleviating the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in China. Key words medicine circulation ; circulation pattern ; centralized procurement ; supply chain finance ’ address Department of Logistics Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China First-author s Corresponding author SHI Yong-qiang, E-mail : yqshi@scut.edu.cn 1 医药供应链模式分析 府集中采购, 通过物流企业将药品先汇集到物流中心, 近几年, 我国医药产业保持飞速发展。 据统计, 然后配送给下游的医疗机构 (图1)。 2011 年我国医药制造业生产规模继续扩张, 医药制造 业工业总产值达 15 707 亿元, 同比增长28.5% , 比 2007 年的6 679 亿元翻了一番, 年


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