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Jour al of Fujia Agricu lture a d Forestry U ivers ity ( Natural Scie ce Editio ) 2009 7
应用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究 3种重金属的遗传毒性
(福建农林大学资源与环境学院, 福建 福州350002)
2+ 3+ 2+
: , , Pb Cr Cd
2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+
. , Pb Cr Cd , : Cd Pb Cr .
, , , .
, , , ,
: ; ; ;
: Q343. 2 45, R994. 6 : A : 2009)
U tilization of m icronucleus test technique in Vicia f aba root tip s
to evaluate the genetic tox icity of three heavy m etal ions
Y I Zh iga g, FU Q iaogu
( College of Resou rces a d E viro m e t, Fujia Agricu lture a d Forestry U iversity, Fuzhou, Fujia 350002, Ch i a)
A bstrac t: M icro ucleus test, m icro ucleus freque cy a d m itotic i dex of root tip cells of V ic ia f a ba w ere used to study the ge etic
2+ 3+ 2+
tox icity of d iffere t co ce tratio s of heavy m etal io s, am ely Pb , Cr a d Cd . The resu lts show ed that differe t heavym etal
2+ 2+
io s cou ld i duce the occurre ce ofm icro ucleus. The h ighest ge etic tox icity w as fou d for Cd , the med ium for Pb a d the
low est for C r . W ith i certai co ce tratio s of d iffere t heavy m etals, m icro ucleus freque cy i creasedw ith the i crease of co
ce tratio , a d m icro ucleus freque cy decreased at the h igh