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2010 1 D rive an d con trol 张淑艳, 王行愚, 姚晓东 ( , 200237) : , , , , , DSP , 2~ 3, , , : ; ; ; ; ; : TM 33 : A : 1004- 7018( 2010) 01- 0045- 03 Application ofM ajority Function in Brus lessDCM otors ZHAN G Shu - yan, WAN G X ing - yu, YAO X iao- dong ( E ast Ch inaU niversit of Science and Technolog , Shanghai 200237, China) Abstract: The acquisition of rotor pos ition is a ke techn ique in sensorless position brush less DC m otor control. Back e- lectrom otive forces ( BEM F) detection using circuit of rotor position detection w idel w as adopted. This paper describes an algorithm of zero crossing detection of trapezoidal back- EMF using m ajorit function, w hich can preclude the need for cir- cu it of rotor position detection, elmi inate the noise effect through BEMF signal and logical calcu lation as true- to- false e- vent happens and identif the zero- cross event accuratel. The expermi ental result well dem onstrates that the adopted con- trolm ethod provides desirable reliab ilit , flex ible and practicab ilit in 2~ 3 tmi es of loads. K ey w ords: majorit function; zero crossing detection- back electromotive forces; false zero crossing; sensorless; brushless DC motor; filtering [ 4 ] , 0 , , [ 1] , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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