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利用語意網建構 Web-based 機械故障診斷專家系統-以壓鑄機為例
張桂綺 黃錦法
國立雲林科技大學 資訊管理研究所
g9423216@.tw huangch@.tw
摘要 solving the problems immediately, improve the
reliability 、guarantee the safety and the availability of
the mechanical operation. Most importantly, the losses
隨著製造技術的進步以及市場功能的需求 ,使
that cause from the fault may lead to the least.
得 機械構造與技術都變的更加複雜且更加專業 。機
“Building”constructs an Expert System with a
械通常是由大量的零件組合而成 ,不同的零組件之
web-based function. Through the information
間互相關聯耦合 ,只要有某一個零組件受損常會引 management of the ontology, to classify the symptom
起連鎖反應 ,可能造成機械的斷裂 、爆炸或焚燒 and the reasons of the fault is by combining and
等。另外也有可能因為 人為操作不當,造成機械故 making the use of mechanical organization. When the
障(Fault)無法正常運作甚至停止運轉 ,這不僅有公 fault symptom occurs, the Expert System can be very
共安全的疑慮,也牽繫著企業的經濟損失或其他無 accurate, and its will figure out the causes of the fault
法預計無形的損失。若要 機械運作正常且順暢 ,就 swiftly. Then, match the construction of the Semantic
需要有具備專業知識的人才 ,當機械出現故障時 , Web , search the fault diagnosis through the computer.
Through out the whole process, it will improve the
能及時 (Seasonable)且快速的進行必要的指導將故 operational function of the machinery, and will make
障排除 ,提高機械運作的可靠性(Reliability) 、安全 the mechanical life lengthen and improve its
性(Safety)與有效性(Availability) ,把故障帶來的損 value ,too.
Keywords: Semantic Web ,Ontology ,Fault
本研究建構一個 具有Web-