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第 34 卷 第 2 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 34 No. 2 2010 年 2 月 Power System Technology Feb. 2010 文章编号:1000-3673 (2010 )02-0179-06 中图分类号:TM 644 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4054 检测电流型电子式电压互感器的开发及精度分析 曹志辉,周有庆,吴涛,彭红海,彭春燕 (湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,湖南省 长沙市 410082 ) Development and Precision Analysis on Electronic Voltage Transformer Based on Measuring Current CAO Zhi-hui, ZHOU You-qing, WU Tao, PENG Hong-hai, PENG Chun-yan (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan Province, China) ABSTRACT: A precision current transducer connecting in series 关键词:电子式电压互感器;电流– 电压变换;分布电容; with high voltage capacitors, which can reflect the variation of 频率波动;温度系数 primary voltage by measuring the current flowing through 0 引言 capacitors, is proposed. After the secondary processing of current induced in the secondary side of the precision current transducer, 目前,在电网中广泛采用的电压测量装置仍以 the output of the proposed current transducer is a voltage signal 电磁式和电容分压式电压互感器为主。电磁式电压互 that is linearly proportional to primary high voltage, thus a current 感器体大质重,易产生铁磁谐振,随着电压等级的升 type of electronic voltage transformer based on measuring current 高,其绝缘问题与体积之间的矛盾愈加突出,为了达 is constructed. High voltage capacitors and precision current [1-2] 到绝缘要求,往往需要将互感器体积做得很大 。 transducer are located in the site of switching station, through 电容分压式电压互感器,体积重量相对电磁式电压 copper conductor the secondary current is led into control room, and other electronic devices is assembled in the case t


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