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18 2 Vol. 18, No . 2 2001 4 CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Ap . , 2001 : 1000- 8152(2001) 02- 0238- 03 黄文英 李昌禧 ( , 430074) : , , , PID , . PID , , , . : ; ; : A The Application of Fuzzy Control in Pulp Consistency Control System HUANG Wenying and LI Changxi ( Depa tment of Cont ol of Science and Enginee ing, Huazhong Unive sity of Science and Technology Wuhan, 430074, P. R. China) Abstract: In the p o cess of pulp consistency cont o l, digital PID egulating w ill b ing se ious lag effect, because of the t ansmission lag, the actuato s ine tia, especially the long sampling pe iod of the moving blade consistency t ansmitte . It s difficult to achieve satisfacto y esult . In this pape , fuzzy egulating has such advantages as high cont ol accu acy, quick e- sponse speed and good stability compa ed with PID egulating. Key words: fuzzy cont ol; pulp consistency; moving blade consistency t ansmitte and cont olle [ 1] 1 ( Int oduction) . , , 1 , , 1+ Ts . , 1 - Ts e , 1+ Ts PID , 1( ( t = 2s) , PID , ) . , . 2 ( The design of fuzzy 1) 1: e . cont olle ) : - 0. 8% ~ 08% ; [ 2,3] : X = { - 6, - 5, - 4, - 3, - 2, - 1, 21 ( Va iable f uzzification) - 0, + 0, +


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