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第 37 卷 成 都 体 育 学 院 学 报 V o.l 37
2011年第 5期 Journal o f Chengdu Sport University No. 5. 2011
浙江海洋学院体育与艺术教育部, 浙江 舟山 3 16000)
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: ; ; ;
: G 80 - 054 : A : 100 1- 9 154 20 11) 05- 0038- 04
TheResearch on Features ofOriginalEcologyMarine Folk Sports of Island FishingVillage
Based on Zhoushan A rch ipelago
Zhang Tong -K uan
Departm ent o f Sports and A rt, ZheJiang Ocean University , ZhouShan 316000)
Abstract: Th is article used the literature m ater ia lm ethod, field work m ethod and interv iew, c lassified and summ ed
up m arine folk sports of island fish ing v illage from orig inal ecology perspective, to investigate and ana lyze the m a in
character istics. T he results show that or ig inal eco logy m arine folk sports o f island f ishing v illage resu lt from island
particular m anufacturing env ironm en t and surround ings; T he carrier orig inal eco logy m arine folk sports can be d iv ided
into orig ina l eco logy m ar ine fo lk- cu stom sports in ship, sea sw mi m ing c lass orig inal ecology m arine fo lk- cu stom
sports, seaside class orig ina l eco logy m arine fo lk- cu stom spo rts, island folk m usic and dance class and island
Children folk gam es ; Sea- re lated, authentic ity, indu stry, blend ing characteristics, dependent, ut ilitarian and etc are
the m ain features o f the orig ina l eco logy m arine folk sports culture; A nd putt ing forw ard som e hom ologou s plans for the
heritage and deve lopm ent: d igg ing out the mi plied m ean ing s of the orig ina l eco logy m arine fo lk spo rts cu lture,
Estab lishing develop m odes of orig ina l eco logy m arine fo lk sports, constructing a troops o