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2013 考研模考测试卷 英语 答题注意事项 1. 考试要求 考试时间:180 分钟 满分:100 分 2. 基本信息 学员姓名:____________ 分数: ___________ Section I Use of English Directions : Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A ,B ,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Culture itself must be transmitted, and the most effective way is through the family. Parents teach their children the ideas and traditions they 1 from their own parents. For this reason the 2 became increasingly important; the practical applications of cultural tradition, such as hunting for food, 3 children and tending the sick, may have been the obvious methods to use when more than one family came together in a joint activity. Families provide friends, people who can be trusted, and trust can be 4 through intermarriage. Thus the whole societies come to be formed, in which the relationships between kin act 5 guidelines for daily behavior and establish important social values. Sometimes traditional ways even become 6 into laws. The original reasons may be lost, but a process is 7 . The society survives where others fail 8 its members’ behavior is controlled for the benefit of all 9 laws, customs, and traditional beliefs. Furthermore, in cultural traditions 10 from generation to generation, humans have a kind of cultural capital on which to draw. By 11 account of past wisdom we can look into the future and plan for events that are not always 12 . The fact that we make 13 repeatedly to a standard patter


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