自考英语语言学课件 Chapter 3 -- 4.ppt

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自考英语语言学课件 Chapter 3 -- 4

Chapter 3 -- 4 现代语言学 Chapter 3 Morphology 1.Definition: Internal structure of words; rules of word-formation Sub-branches: Inflectional morphology: inflection Derivational morphology: word formation 2. Morpheme: 1) definition----word Meaning of morpheme: grammatical ~ ; lexical ~ 2) Types of morpheme Free morpheme: word independent unit of meaning, be used freely by itself Bound morpheme: not Root: basic part with clear definite meaning. Ex. Affix: Inflectional ~: grammatical relation number, tense, degree, case Derivational ~: creat a word---derivative stem Derivational affix: Prefix: beginning of the stem; modify the meaning of stem Suffix: end of the stem; change the part of speech 3. Compounding Derivation: addition of affix to stem Compounding: combination of two or more words Types: according to parts of speech n./a./v.adv.+ n./v./a./adv. Feature: Orthographically: one word, hyphen, separate words Syntactically: part of speech---second element Semantically: idiomatic Phonetically: stress on the first element Chapter 4 Syntax 1. syntax as a system A set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. Syntactic rules:finite Sentences: endless / infinite 2. Sentence Structure 1) Basic components of a sentence: Subject: the referring expression, noun / noun phrase Predicate: the part which says something about the subject. finite verb./ verb phrase 2) Type of sentences Simple sentence: single clause---a subject and a predicate Coordinate / compound sentence: equal two clauses joined by coordinating conj. Complex sentence: unequal status embeded clause, matrix clause 3) Linear hierarchical structure Linear structure: sequential order of words Words are arranged/ produced one after another Hierarchical structure: Sentences are organized with words of the same syntactic category. 3


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