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20 10 1 29 Jou rnal of Card ovascular Pu lm onary D seases, January 20 10, V o .l 29, Supp lem ent 21 王宁夫 徐坚 周占林 童国新 潘 浩 周 亮 叶显华 杨建敏 : : 68, , , : 51. 28% , 68. 97% , 68. 97% , 51. 28% , O2-pulse peak , 51. 28% , 7586% , 7407% , 5366% : , ; ; The value of detectingmyocardial ischemia by cardiopulmonary exercise test WAN G N ingf u, X U j ian, ZH OU Zhanlin, TON G Guox ing, PAN H ao, ZH O U L iang, YE X ianhua, Yang J ianm ing D ep a tm ent of Ca diology, the F i st P eop le sH osp ital of H angzhou and Aff il- la ted H angzhou H osp ital of N anj ing M edical univ e sity, H ongzhou 310006, China [Abstract] Objective:T he object ve of th s study w as to nvest gate the e ffect on d ag- nos s of m yocard al schem a w th E lectrocard ogram exerc se test and Card opulm onary exerc se testM ethods: E lectrocard ogram exerc se testCard opu lm onary exerc se test and coronary an- g og raphy w ere conducted on s x ty-e ght pat entsw th suspected ang naA cco rd ng to the result of E lectrocard ogram exerc se test and C ard opulm onary exerc se test, s xty-e ght pat ents w ere d v ded nto pos t ve g roup and negat ve group. Com pare sens t v ty and spec f c ty of wt o m ethords . Results: E lectrocard ogram exerc se test has sens t v ty o f 5128% spec f c ty o f 6897% pos t ve pred ct ve va lue of 6 897% and negat ve pred ct ve value of 5128% Car- d opu lm onary exerc se test has sens t v ty o f 5128% spec f c ty o f 7586% pos t ve pred c- t ve value of 7407% and negat ve pred ct ve value of 5366% . Conclusion: C ard opulmonary exerc se test s better than E lectrocard ogram exerc se n d agnos s of m yocard al schem a. [ eywords] coronary artery d sease; oxygen pu lse peak; Card opulm onary exerc se test ( CPET )


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