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The North Wind and the Sun 北风和太阳It is a cold winter morning and the Wind is blowing strongly. 这是一个寒冷的冬日,风呼呼地刮着。 Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Ha, ha, ha! Look at those trees! They are shaking. 呼!呼!哈哈哈!看看这些树!他们在摇晃! The Wind blows stronger. 风吹得更卖力了。 Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Look at those houses! They are also shaking. I am the strongest in the world. 呼!呼!看看这些房子。他们在摇晃。我是世界上最厉害的。 The Wind blows and blows. The weather becomes colder and colder. 风刮了又刮。天变得越来越冷。 Wind: I can shake trees and houses. I can even blow them away. I am the strongest in the world. 我能吹动树和房子。我甚至还能把他们连根拔起。我是世界上最强壮的。 The Sun comes along. 太阳出来了。 Sun: Hello there, Mr. Wind. It is very cold and windy today, isn’t it? 你好,风先生。今天非常冷,而且风很大,是吧? Wind: Yes. I did it. 是的,那是我干的。 Sun: Really?You must be strong. 真的?那你肯定很厉害。 Wind: Yes. I am the strongest in the world. 当然,我是世界上最厉害的。 Sun: You may be strong, but I am stronger. 你或许很厉害,但是我比你更厉害。 Wind: Ha, ha, ha. You must be joking. 哈哈,你一定是在开玩笑。 Sun: No, I am not. I am the strongest. 不,我没有。我是最厉害的。 Wind: Well, then show me. What can you do? Can you blow away a tree? 恩,那你展现给我看看。你会怎么做?你能吹倒一棵树吗? The Wind blows away a tree. 风吹倒了一棵树。 Wind: See! 看! Sun: Wow! That’s great! I can’t do that. But I can melt snow. And I can help flowers grow. I can also bring spring. I am the strongest in the world. 哇!真厉害!我办不到。但是我能让雪融化,我能让鲜花开放,我能带来春天。我才是这世界上最厉害的。 Wind: That’s nothing. I am the strongest in the world. 那没什么。我才是世界上最厉害的。 The Sun and the Wind keep arguing until a Stranger walks by. 太阳和风一直都在争论不休,直到一个陌生人经过这里。 Wind: I have an idea, Mrs. Sun. Do you see that man? 我有个主意,太阳先生。你看到那个人了么? Sun: The one wearing the blue coat? 那个穿着蓝色外套的人? Wind: Yes. Let’s make a bet. 是的,让我们来打个赌。 Sun: What kind of a bet? 什么样的赌? Wind: Make him take off his coat. If you win, you are the strongest. If I win, I am the strongest. 让他脱掉外套。如果你赢了,你就是最厉害的,如果我赢了,我才是最厉害的。 Sun: That sounds interesting. If I win, stop blowing so hard. 那听起来很有趣。如果我赢了,你要停止刮大风。 Wind: I promise. 我保证。 Sun: You go first. 你先。 Wind: Are you sure? 你确定? Sun:



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