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Hainan Med J, May 2015, Vol. 26, No. 10 海南医学2015年5月第26卷第10期 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2015.10.0517 ·论 著· 15例不典型胸腺囊肿CT征象分析 万红燕,闾长安,陶广宇 ( 南京医科大学附属无锡市人民医院影像科,江苏 无锡 214023) 【摘要】 目的 通过对不典型胸腺囊肿的CT 表现分析,达到提高该病诊断水平的目的。方法 回顾性分 析经手术病理证实的15例不典型胸腺囊肿CT 表现。结果 与常见胸腺囊肿比较,位置异常共计8 例,其中2 例 位于中纵隔,3 例位于前中纵隔,3 例位于前下纵隔;囊肿形态异常9 例;囊液密度异常5 例,均高于水密度;8 例增 强后其中7 例囊肿未见明显强化,胸腺囊肿合并胸腺癌1例,软组织成分中度不均匀强化。结论 胸腺囊肿大部 分通过CT 表现分析可以正确诊断,不典型囊肿者需要与其他疾病进行鉴别。 【关键词】 不典型; 胸腺囊肿;CT 体层摄影;鉴别诊断 【中图分类号】 R445 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2015 )10—1451—03 AtypicalCTmanifestationsof15casesofthymiccyst. WANHong-yan,LVChang-an,TAOGuang-yu.Department ofRadiology,WuxiPeoplesHospital,NanjingMedicalUniversity,Wuxi214023,Jiangsu,CHINA 【Abstract】 Objective To characterize the imaging features of thymic cyst and gain a better understanding of atypical manifestations of thymic cyst, in order to improve the level of diagnosis. Methods The CT images of 15 his- topathologically proved cases of atypical thymic cyst were retrospectively reviewed. Results Of 15 cases of thymic cysts, 8 cases were located in the unusual place, with 2 cases in the middle mediastinum, 3 cases in anterior middle me- diastinum, and 3 cases in anterior inferior mediastinum. Nine cases were found in unusual shapes, and 5 were found with abnormal density (greater than water). Among the eight cases after contrast administration, only one case was combined with thymic carcinoma, and the soft tissue had moderate enhancement. Other cases showed no enhance- ment. Conclusion Most of the thymic cysts could be diagnosed referring to their features on CT. Atypical thymic cyst should be differentiated with other mediastinal cysts.


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