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  第20卷  第4期 集美大学学报 (自然科学版) Vol.20  No.4     2015年7月 Journal of Jimei University(Natural Science) Jul. 2015 [文章编号] 1007-7405(2015)04-0287-05 GC-MS在船舶舱底水污染源鉴别中的应用 1 2 1 1 章烈琪 , 史德宝 , 庄学强 , 尹自斌 (1. 集美大学轮机工程学院, 福建 厦门361021;2. 中国海事局上海海事局, 上海200086) [摘要] 为了给船舶舱底水溢油鉴别提供一种实用有效的分析手段, 在3个船舶舱底水中分别取可疑 溢油油样US、 1S、 2S, 采用气相色谱质谱法 (GC-MS) 对3个可疑油样和一个模拟溢油油样EUS进行了 测定数据分析, 通过正构烷烃相对浓度分析、 诊断比值分析和模糊诊断分析, 最终确定了溢油源为US. 实 验结果表明, 采用GC-MS测定的实验数据和分析方法合理, 可为船舶溢油鉴别提供帮助. [关键词] 船舶舱底水; 鉴别; 气相色谱质谱 (GC-MS); 正构烷烃 [中图分类号] X55 [文献标志码] A Application of GC-MS to Source Identification of Ship Bilge Water 1 2 1 1 ZHANG Lie-qi , SHI De-bao , ZHUANG Xue-qiang , YIN Zi-bin (1. Marine Engineering Institute, Jimei University, Xiamen361021, China; 2. China Maritime Safety Administration, Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration, Shanghai200086, China) Abstract: In observation of application of the gas chromatography-mass spectrography (GC-MS) to the source identificationof shipbilgewater, analysesofthedatawerecarriedoutonthreesuspectedoil spill sam- ples (US, 1S,2S) from ship bilge water and one simulated oil spill sample (EUS). Measurements were conducted on such aspects as the relative concentration of n-alkanes, diagnostic ratios, similarity matrix of relative concentration aswell as the clustering analysis diagram. It shows that the results from GC-MS could provide reliable information for the identification of ship oil spill. Conclusions were drawn that the GC-MS method is applicable to identifying the source of the ship bilge water. Key words: ship bilge water; identification; gas chromatogr


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