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第 35 卷  第 2 期 测  绘  学  报 Vol . 35 , No . 2  2006 年 5 月 ACTA GEODA ETICA et CAR TO GRAPHICA SIN ICA May ,2006   文章编号 : 100 11595 (2006) 020 13305 中图分类号 :P237     文献标识码 :A D InSA R 技术对不同方位形变的敏感性研究 查显杰 ,傅容珊 ,戴志阳 ( 中国科学技术大学 地球与空间科学学院 ,安徽 合肥 230026) The Sensitivity of D InSAR to Surface Def ormation in Diff erent Direction ZHA Xianjie , FU Rongshan , DA I Zhiyang ( S chool of Eart h an d Sp ace S ciences , University of S cience an d Technology of Chi na , Hef ei 230026 , Chi na) Abstract :D In SAR technique only measures one dimensional component of t he surface deformation in t he satellite ’s line of sight , but t he real deformation may be not in t he satellite ’s line of sight . Can t he D In SAR technique be used to measure t he deformation ? For t his , t his p ap er has modeled t he interferograms of deformation in vertical , range and azimut h direction , using digital elevation model of terrain as given obj ect and only considering t he affection of distance to p hase , so as to study t he sensitivity of D In SAR to deformation in different orientation . The numerical simulation result s show under t he condition of t he same model p arameters and t he same size of deformation , t he π number of t he whole interferogram ring whose p hase changes from 0 to 2 is distinct , modeled by t hree different de formations. Moreover , t he sensitivity of D In SAR to deformation in different direction is diverse and t he sensitivity value from large to small is vertical , range and


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