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2009 8 2 8 4
Aug. , 2009 M INE RAL DEPOSIT S 28 ( 4) : 473~ 480
: 0258- 7106 ( 2009) 04- 047 3- 0 8
( , 735009)
, , : y
y y ,
: P6 18 . 4 1 : A
Characteristicsofsandstone copperoresinTianlucopperdeposit
L I JinChun
( No . 4 G eolo gical Party f or M ineral Ex ploration, Gansu Bureau of G eology and M ineral Ex ploration ,
J iuqu an 735000 , Gan su, China)
T he T ianlu copper deposit formed in Paleozoic foreland basin is a marine sandshale copper deposit, w hose
copper ores are mainly of t he siltstone type and comprise six kinds of ore species, namely chalcocit e ore, cha-l
cocit e- bornite ore, bornite ore, ch alcopy rit e- bornite ore, chalcopyrit e ore and pyrite- chalcopynite ore. Ore t ex-
t ures are mainly composed of cryst allizat ion t ex ture and metasomat ic t ex ture. Ore structures are dominat ed by
disseminat ions. A long the t hickness of st rat a, mineralization of t he major ore bed assumes obv ious vert ical zona-l
it y in the upw ard order of bornite y chalcocite y chalcopyrit e y py rit e, indicat ing a t ypical sulf ide arrangement
and association of sediment ary copp er ores. T hese charact eristics are consistent w it h f eatures of marine sandshale
copper deposits bot h in China and abroad.
Keywords: geology, characterist ics of ore, mineral zoning, silt stone copper ore, marine sandshale copper
deposit, T ianlu
- ( , 200 6
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