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J. Lake Sc.i (湖泊科学), 2011, 23 ( 3): 357-365 http: //www. jlakes. org. E-m ail: jlakes@ iglas. ac. c 2011 by Journal of Lake Sciences * ** 刘忠华, 李云梅 , 吕 恒, 徐祎凡, 徐 昕, 黄家柱, 檀 静, 郭宇龙 (, 210046) : . 2009 6, . , 3, Db4, 4, , 451 34. ( PLS), 20, 9, : 2 2 3 , PLS, R 0. 93, R ( pred) 0. 89, PRESS 3. 29, 3 98. 60% 92. 37% . , PLS , 2 (R = 0. 93, RMSE = 4. 77mg /L,MAPE = 9. 02% ) . , PLS , . : ; ; ; ; Inversion of suspended matter concentration in Lake Chaohu based on Partial Leas-t squares Regression LIU Zho ghua, L IYu m e,i LB He g, XU Y ifa , XU X i, HUANG Jiazhu, TAN Ji g GUO Y ulo g (Key Labo ra tory ofV irtua lG eographic E viro m e to fEducatio M i istry, Na ji g Norm a lU iversity, Na ji g 210046, P.R. Chi a ) Abstract: Suspe ded m atter co ce tratio is a mi porta t param eter ofw ater quality evaluatio . Hyperspectral data m easured i L ake Chaohu i Ju e, 2009 w ere processed by w avelet tra sform i order to rem ove data redu da cy a d reduce m odeli g tmi e. Three evaluatio i dexesw ere selected co sideri g the effect of differe tw avelet fu ctio s a d decom posed scales o the data com- pressio , a d the w avelet fu ctio Db4 a d decomposed scale 4 w ere determ i ed fi ally. The orig i al hyperspectral data of 451 ba ds w ere com pressed to 34 feature variables by the w avelet tra sform. The 20 sam ples w ere used to co struct Partial Least- squares Regressio ( PLS) i versio m odel of suspe ded m atter co ce tratio , a d other 9 samples w ere used for m odel verifica- 2 2 tio . The results show that PLSm odel is suited whe the um ber of pri cipal com po e ts is 3 a d itsR is 0. 93, R ( pred) is 0. 89 a dPRESS is3. 29. These three pri cipal com po e ts explai 9


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