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30 2 Vol. 30, No. 2: 161~ 171 2011 3 ACT A PETROLOGICA ET MINERALOGICA Mar. , 2011 #专题研究# 1 1 1 1, 2 沈其韩 , 宋会侠 , 杨崇辉, 万渝生 ( 1. , 100037; 2. , 100037) : ( ) 3 , : 4 T ULaCePSm , KNbSrHfErT i ; , , , , Eu , Y Y , Eu , 34 D S , : ; ; ; : P618. 31; P595 :A : 1000-6524(2011) 02-0161- 11 Petrochemical characteristics and geological significations of banded iron formations in the Wutai Mountain of Shanxi and Qian an of eastern Hebei 1 1 1 1,2 SHEN Q-i an , SONG Hu-i xia , YANG C ong- ui and WAN Yu-s eng ( 1. Institute of Geology , C inese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, C ina; 2. Beijing SHRIM P Center, Beijing 100037, C ina) Abstract: Petrological and petroc emical c aracteristics of samples from four Neo-Arc ean banded iron ore de- posits of Baiyuli, Baiz iyan and Ekou in Wutai Mountain area and Qian an in eastern Hebei Province are report- ed in t is paper. Some comparisons are also made wit Ans an iron deposit in Liaoning, Hanw ang iron deposit in S andong and some ot er iron deposits of t e same kind abroad. T e aut ors ave found t at t ese iron de- posits ave ig ly consistent c aracteristicss in t e follow ing four aspects: all of t e samples are depleted in T , U , La, Ce, P and Sm and enric ed in K, Nb, Sr, Hf, Er and T i; as one of t e c aracteristics of Arc ean ma- rine sediments, t ey all ave very low REE content, w it t e average valu



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