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2009 8 2 8 4 Aug. , 2009 M INE RAL DEPOSIT S 28 ( 4) : 4 62 ~ 47 2 : 0258- 7106 ( 2009) 04- 0462- 11 X 1, 2 3­ 3 3 赵 斌 , 王登红 , 陈振宇, 陈毓川 ( 1 , 7 10054 2 , 044004 3 , 1000 37) , , , , , / 0 , , , , - , , : P6 18 . 4 1 : A Geological characteristics and ore-search prospects of Donggou copper deposits in Zhongtiaoshan area, Shanxi Province 1, 2 3 3 3 ZHAO Bin , WA N G D engHong , CH EN ZhenY u and CH EN Yu Chuan ( 1 Ch ang an U niversity , Xi an 7 10054 , Sh aanxi , China 2 Institute of Geophysical and Geochem ical Sur vey, Y uncheng 044 004, Shanxi , China 3 Institute of M iner al Resources Chinese A cademy of Geolog ical Sciences, Beij ing 100037, China) Abstract A lthough copper deposit s host ed in calcit e veins do not constitute t he main t ype of copper deposits, copper deposits related to carbonatit e and mant le- derived magmatism do ex ist and in some cases can even reach large size in scale. Zhong tiaoshan area w as once one of the main produ cing areas of copper resources in China. Besides t he met amorphic sedimentary type and the ancient porphyry t ype copper deposit s, there are abundant copp er- bearing calcit e veins. How ever, previous geolog ical w ork all g ave an assessmen


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