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29 1 Vol. 29, N o. 1: 100~ 108
20 10 1 A CT A PET RO L OG ICA ET M IN ER AL O GICA Jan. , 2010
王敏芳, 邓晓东, 李占轲, 毕诗健
( , 430074
: ,
, ,
, ,
, P GE , PGE ,
: ; ; ; ; ;
: P6 18. 53 : A : 1000 - 6524( 20 10 0 1- 0 100- 09
Current situation and existing problems in the study of plati num group
elements in porphyry copper deposi ts
WA N G M in- f ang, DEN G Xiao- dong, L I Zhan- ke and BI Shi- jian
( F aculty of Ear th Resources, China U niversity of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: T he st udy of plat inum group elements has made important achievement s in recent decades. PGE can
be hosted in dif ferent types of rocks f ormed in dif ferent epochs. T he ore- forming condit ion of PGE is also quite
special due t o their part icular chem ical charact erist ics such as stable chemical behaviors and refractory of common
acid and alkali solutions. P GE m ineralizat ion in porphyry copper deposits belongs to one of the unconvent ional
PGE mineralizations and is sig nificant for the underst anding of t he problem how PGE w ere transported f rom
lit hosphere t o granite and t hen concent rated in sulfides. T his paper describes t he current status of t he st udy of
PGE in porphyry copper deposits in the follow ing f ive aspects: PGE dist ribution, PGE mineralizat ion , platinum
g roup minerals, fluid inclusions, and enrichment mechanism. T he main exist ing problems in PGE st udy for por
phyry copper deposits, such as unclear influencing f act ors on P GE dist ribut ion , inadequate syst emat ic st udy of
fluid inclusions, insuf ficient researches on t he enrichment m echanism of P GE in porphyry c
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