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第27 卷 第8 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 27 No. 8 2003 年8 月 Power System Technology Aug. 2003 文章编号 1000-3673 2003 08-0054-05 中图分类号 TM 734 文献标识码 A DTS-SOTS 联合故障仿真的设计与实现 1 2 3 4 1 1 逄健鹏 高 平 李峰云 凌志勇 魏文辉 白 玮 1 清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系 北京100084 2 北京清华仿真科技有限公司 北京100083 3 广东省佛山电力工业局 广东省 佛山市528000 4 广东省电力学校 广东省 广州市510520 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DTS-SOTS COOPERATIVE FAULT SIMULATION 1 2 3 4 1 1 PANG Jian-peng , GAO Ping , LI Feng-yun , LING Zhi-yong , WEI Wen-hui , BAI Wei 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2. Beijing Tsinghua Simulation Science Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100083, China 3. Foshan Electric Power Bureau, Foshan 528000, Guangdong Province, China 4. Guangdong Electric Power School, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong Province, China ABSTRACT: On the basis of real-time communication 求 目前 迅速提高电力系统调度运行人员和现 interfaces the cooperative fault simulation function for power 场操作人员业务技能的一个行之有效的途径是采 system is designed and implemented. With this neoteric 用各种仿真培训系统 cooperative fault simulation system the power flows under 调度员培训仿真系统 Dispatcher Training normal operation state and the short-circuit currents under Simulator,DTS [1]主要用来培训电网调度员进行正 various faults can be calculated. Through the coordination of 常调度操作和提高处理事故的能力 它强调与电 the modules in DTS with SOTS the status synchronization and event processing can be interacted, and the behavior of the



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