《《2016_KJC_OE_Optical coupling and emission of metal-insulator confined circular resonators》.pdf

《《2016_KJC_OE_Optical coupling and emission of metal-insulator confined circular resonators》.pdf

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《《2016_KJC_OE_Optical coupling and emission of metal-insulator confined circular resonators》.pdf

Optical coupling and emission of metal -insulator confined circular resonators Kai-Jun Che,∗ Mei-Xin Lei, Zhi-Ping Cai Department of Electronic Engineering, Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China ∗chekaijun@xmu.edu.cn Abstract: We numerically investigate the direct and indirect optical interactions of pair circular resonators laterally confined by metal-insulator waveguide. The direct optical interaction shows the split of quality (Q) factors of bonding and antibonding states only happens for thick insulator. The indirect optical interaction through a waveguide is proposed to control the modes resonance and collect the output emissions. The Q factors of resonant modes versus the coupling distance (width of waveguide) are studied. The results show whispering gallery modes(WGMs) engaged into interaction are strongly coupled with the guided waves of waveguide once its width is close to the cut-off width of guided waves, while the coupled mode of two WGMs is not limited by this condition. High Q factor mode, combined with a robust wide emission waveguide(close to the cut-off width of second-order guided waves), can be realized from the bonding states of WGM and coupled WGM with an added wave envelope in waveguide. In addition to the pair resonators, the studies on four resonators interacted with each other through waveguide are also addressed and wide waveguide output is anticipated. © 2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (140.4780



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