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管 企 远 卓 管 企 远 卓 热烈欢迎参加卓远企管ISO9001 : I I 2008 内部审核员培训班的同学 S S O O 识 知 础 基 识 知 础 基 祝各位同学天天快乐! 卜永合 苏州卓远企业咨询有限公司首席顾问师 上海交大安泰管理学院MBA Tel:051266328571 Mobile Email:buyonghe@163.com ISO9001:2008版颁布 管 企 远 卓 管 企 远 卓 ISO publishes new edition of ISO 9001 quality management system standard 2008-11-14 ISO today published ISO 9001:2008, the latest edition of the I I S S International Standard used by organizations in 175 countries O O 识 知 础 基 识 知 础 基 as the framework for their quality management systems (QMS). ISO 9001:2008, Quality management system – Requirements, is the fourth edition of the standard first published in 1987 and which has become the global benchmark for providing assurance about the ability to satisfy quality requirements and to enhance customer satisfaction in supplier-customer relationships. ISO 9001:2008 contains no new requirements compared to the 2000 edition, which it replaces. It provides clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 based on eight years’ experience of implementing the standard worldwide and introduces changes intended to improve consistency with the environmental management system standard, ISO 14001:2004. ISO9001:2008 管 企 远 卓 管 企 远 卓 何谓ISO? I I S S


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