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Update on ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008中的更新之处 Current status 目前状况 Following a recent meeting of ISO’s Technical Committee TC176 in Helsinki, Finland, from June 11th – 15th 2007, publication of the new version of ISO 9001 has been brought forward from 2009 and is now scheduled to be published in August 2008. Experts representing over 70 ISO member bodies, met to discuss the comments received during circulation of the Committee Draft (“CD”) of the new standard, and concluded that in view of the very limited changes being proposed, the draft is now sufficiently mature to progress directly to the DIS (Draft International Standard) stage (see Figure 1 for an explanation of the various stages in the ISO standards development process). 2007年6月11 日至15 日,ISO TC176技术委员会在芬兰赫尔辛基举行会议,决定将于2008年8月出版新的ISO9001 版本,比原定2009年出版的时间安排有所提前。超过70个成员团体的专家们出席了会议,会议对新标准委员会草案 版(CD )发行以来所收到的评论进行了讨论,并得出结论:基于仅有非常有限的变化被提议,现在该草案已十分成 熟,可以直接进展至DIS (国际标准草案)阶段(见图1:ISO标准开发过程中所需经历的阶段示例) The main changes being introduced into the new standard are as follows: 新标准的主要变化之处如下: Clause 0.2 (Process approach) 0.2条款 (过程方法) O Text added to emphasize the importance of processes being capable of achieving desired outputs 增加了条文,以强调有能力实现期望输出的过程的重要性。 Clause 1.1 (Scope) 1.1条款 (范围) O Clarification that “product” also includes intermediate product 阐明了“产品”也包括中间产品 O Explanation regarding statutory, regulatory and legal requirements 关于法律法规要求的说明 Clause 4.1 (General requirements) 4.1条款 (总要求) O Notes added to explain more about outsourcing 增加了注解,以对外包进一步加以说明 O Types of control that may be applied to outsourced processes 可应用于对外包过程的控制方式的类型 O Relationship to clause 7.4 (Purchasin


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