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Technovation 26 (2006) 463–472 /locate/technovation Regional systems of innovation and the knowledge production function: the Spanish case * ´ ´ Mikel Buesa, Joost Heijs , Monica Martınez Pellitero, Thomas Baumert Department of Applied Economics, Institute of Industrial and Financial Analysis, Faculty of Economics and Business, University Complutense Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas, 28223 Madrid, Spain Abstract This working document is based on a broad multivariate data analysis of the regions conforming the Spanish RD system, with the purpose of establishing a typology of the regional innovation systems. The paper consists of four parts. It begins with a brief introduction reviewing the main theoretical approaches. In the second part, we use a factorial analysis, which allows us to differentiate between four main factors that have an impact on the regional innovation capacity: The Regional Production and Innovation Environment, the University, the Public Administration and Private Enterprise. In the third part, we determine a typology of the Spanish RD system using the cluster analysis with the four factors detected before. The regions that stand out are Madrid (Public Administration), Catalonia (Environment), Basque Country (Enterprises) and Navarra (University), the rest of regions showing the heterogeneity of the regional R CD system in Spain. Finally, we use patents as a measure of the innovative capacity of the Spanish regions, calculating a regression with the four factors explained before. We confir


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