《Criteria of Translation》.ppt

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《Criteria of Translation》.ppt

3. The criteria of translation There are translations and translations. 译文有多种多样,有好的译文,有坏的译文。 Yan Fu: faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance Lu Xun: Faithfulness, smoothness Lin Yutang: faithfulness, smoothness, beautifulness Fu Lei: resemblance in spirit Qian Zhongshu: sublimation (transmigration of soul) Liu Zhongde: faithfulness, expressiveness, closeness Xu Yuanchong: three levels of criteria美(音、形、义)化(浅化、等化、深化)之(知之、好之、乐之) Eugene Nida: dynamic equivalence 思果《译道探微》 译病举要: (1) 译错原文的意思 (2)译文不可解或引起误解 (3)不像中文 (4)遣词欠妥 (5)固有名词 (6)词位错置 (7)不知轻重 (8)时髦语 Current criteria: Faithfulness, smoothness How to evaluate a translation? Language analysis + logic analysis Writing, on the other hand, did not pay. 原译:另一方面,写作不需要花费。 改译:另一方面,写作划不来。 Ladies are seated before gentlemen. 原译:太太们在先生们之前就座。 改译:太太们就座,然后才轮到先生们。 The most touching scenes show an agonized slave mother unable to help her screaming child and a father sold away from his family. 原译:最为感人的一幕是一位极度痛苦的奴隶母亲在其丈夫把孩子卖掉的时候,面对大声哭喊的孩子却无能为力 。 改译:最令人同情的场景是一位痛苦万状的母亲眼睁睁看着向她哭喊的孩子却无能为力,以及一位父亲被卖掉,从而远离自己的家人。 He is joined in his escape by another outcast, the slave Jim, whose owner, Miss Watson, is thinking of selling him down the river to the harsher slavery of the deep South. Huck and Jim float on a raft down the majestic Mississippi, but are sunk by a steamboat, separated, and later reunited . (The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin) 原译:他在逃亡途中结识了另一个逃亡奴隶吉姆。吉姆的主人华森小姐打算顺流而下把他卖到实行残酷的奴隶制的南方地区。他们乘着华森小姐的一个木筏向壮阔的密西西比河的下游漂去,但在途中被一艘汽船撞沉,木筏四分五裂,他们又把它修好。 改译: 逃跑途中,他与华森小姐的奴隶吉姆,另一个无家可归的人,相遇,因为华森小姐打算把他卖到河流下游奴隶制更为严酷的南方腹地。哈克和吉姆乘木筏沿波澜壮阔的密西西比河而下,但是木筏被汽船撞毁,两人失散后又重逢。 Problems with delivering It was a typical summer evening in June, the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses, if not five. 译文一:那是一个典型的六月黄昏。大气的平衡如此精微,传导力如此敏锐,就连冥顽的无生物也有了知觉—如果不是五种知觉的话,也有两三种。 译文二:这是六月里特有的夏日黄昏。暮色


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