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《single molecule biophysics》.ppt
less What is single molecule biophysics? 在单分子水平上对生物分子行为(包括构象变化、相互作用、相互识别等)的实时﹑动态检测以及在此基础上的操纵﹑调控等,是分子生物物理学的自然延伸和必然趋势。生物单分子研究已成为21世纪生命科学领域的一个重点研究方向,在生命科学领域有着广泛的应用前景 Why we conduct single molecule or what single molecule can tell us? The Nobel Prize in Physics 1997for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light References Ch.Zander, J.Enderlein, R.A.Keller, Single Molecule Detection in Solution Xiaowei Zhuang, et al. A Single-Molecule Study of RNA Catalysis and Folding, Science, 2000,288,2048-2051 Seissenberger G. et al, Real-Time Single-Molecule Imaging of the Infection Pathway of an Adeno-Associated Virus, Science, 2001,294:1929 Cai, Long; Friedman, Nir; Xie, X. Sunney, Stochastic protein expression in individual cells at the single molecule level, Nature, 2006, 440, 358-362 病毒:AAV 细胞:HeLa 荧光探剂:Cy5 (Carbocyanine dye), 1/25 仪器:CCD(电荷耦合探测器) 测量:74个细胞,1009 AAV- Cy5轨 迹, 病毒通过细胞表面时会慢下来。然后病毒接触细胞表面好几次,多数情况下没有应答,只有13%的病毒通过细胞表面 大约三分之一的病毒颗粒延规定好的途径定向移动 一旦其进入细胞,病毒有50%的几率达到细胞核 DNA Image taken by Evanescent Microscope (Single Molecule Observation) Low Background By AFM Progress in biophysics Molecular biology 2002 OmpF porin imaged in buffer solution using AFM. Molecule motor 分子马达,是对一大类广泛存在于细胞内部的能够把化学能(ATP)直接转换为机械能的蛋白分子的总称 ? 纳米机器 线性推进式?马达分子自身能够沿着一条线性轨道作定向移动。如:微管上定向跑动的驱动蛋白一kinesin 旋转式?其结构象马达一样,由一个定子与一个转子组成,依靠定子和转子之间的旋转运动来完成工作任务。最典型的旋转式分子马达是F1-ATP酶。它由两部分组成,一部分镶嵌在线粒体膜上,另一部分暴露在膜外。镶嵌在膜上的部分有三个亚基构成质子通过线粒体膜的通道,当质子流经这样的通道时产生力矩,从而推动暴露在膜外的亚基的旋转,成为线粒体重要的运输工 Movie Molecular Linear Motor ? Myosin Molecular Linear Motor ? Myosin * Single Molecule Biophysics 23294 Single molecule As of 2003 Single Molecules ceased publication and the articles are incorporated in ChemPhysChem faster Impetus to single molecule What is single molecule biophysics? Why we conduct single molecule or what single molecule can tell us? How to study the single molecules? single molecules in diverse environments such as liquids, solids, m