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Discovered in the 15th century, Acqua Panna comes from the 普娜矿泉水于15世纪首次在托斯卡纳山脉被人们发现,独 hills of Tuscany. Its smooth and velvety taste matches the 特的地理位置赋予其细腻柔滑的口感,就连最挑剔的美食家 expectations of the most sophisticated gourmets. Brilliant and crystal-clear it leaves a sensation of lightness and 也不禁对其称赞有加。该产品晶莹剔透,给人以清新和绵软 softness. In the mouth, it is completely balanced, refreshing, 的感觉。入口之后,口感适中,清爽,健体,绵软持久且不 tonic with a persisting softness and a total lack of bitter 带苦味,最适合于佐餐略带刺激性的特色新鲜菜肴。普娜矿 sensations. It is perfect with fresh dishes that have a slightly 泉水不仅是橡木桶陈酿的白葡萄酒、沁爽且果味十足的葡萄 intense olfactory-gustative feature. Acqua Panna, for its unique properties, are best matched with white wines aged in 酒、轻盈的年轻桃红酒以及果味丰富的甜起泡酒的完美搭配 barrels, fresh and fruity wines, rose wines that are light and 之选,与口味稍重的菜肴一起享用也十分理想。 young, and aromatic sweet sparking wines. As the International Sommeliers label it, 正如国际侍酒师协会的评价一样, Acqua Panna is truly a 普娜矿泉水是真正“可列入酒水单的水”。 “Water that belongs to the wine list”. 普娜天然矿泉水由ASC 精品酒业在中国大陆地区全权独家代理 Acqua Panna is exclusively distributed by ASC Fine Wines in the China Mainland ASC Fine Wines Shanghai Office ASC Fine Wines Beijing Office ASC Fine Wines Shenzhen Office ASC Fine Wines Xiamen Office 圣皮尔精品酒业-上海 圣皮尔精品酒业-北京 圣皮尔精品酒业-深圳 圣皮尔精品酒业-厦门 Phone / 电话: 021- 6


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