《●Unit 4 international trade》.ppt

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《●Unit 4 international trade》.ppt

Unit 1 International Trade International Trade china russia japan Paragraph 1 Economic activity began with the caveman, who was economically self-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for his own needs. self-sufficient: able to provide for oneself without the help of others自给自足的 经济活动开始于洞穴人。洞穴人在经济上自给自足,自己打猎,自己寻找住所,并为自己提供所需要的东西。 Self-sufficiency Division of Labor As primitive populations grew and developed, the principle of division of labor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, and therefore each person concentrated on what he did best. evolve: undergo evolution or development 语言在不断地缓慢发展。 Language is constantly and gradually evolving. concentrate on sth: focus on sth 随着原始人口的增长和发展, 出现了分工的原则。一个人从事某项活动, 比另一个人能力更强, 于是每个人都集中力量做自己最擅长的工作。 While one hunted, another fished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman, and thus each benefited from the variety of diet. surplus: an amount or a quantity in excess of what is needed 一些国家的制造商向国外倾销过剩产品。 The manufacturers in some countries dumped their surplus commodities abroad. 有的人打猎, 有的人捕鱼, 然后猎人把剩余的猎物卖给打鱼的人, 因此每个人都可吃上各种各样的食物。 Paragraph 2 In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of international trade and economic activities. utilize: to put to use develop: to come to have gradually; acquire 培养对歌剧的鉴赏力 develop a taste for opera 在当今复杂的经济世界里, 任何个人或国家都不能做到自给自足。国家拥有不同的经济资源,人们学会了不同的技术。这就是国际贸易和经济活动的基础。 Paragraph 3 For example, the United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any of its own. Consequently, the United States must import coffee from countries (such as Brazil, Columbia, and Guatemala) that grow


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