《《My Story - A Search for W.D. Gann#39;s Master Time Factor》(一个有关主宰时间因子探索的故事 英文版)》.doc

《《My Story - A Search for W.D. Gann#39;s Master Time Factor》(一个有关主宰时间因子探索的故事 英文版)》.doc

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WISDOM But where can wisdom be found? And where is the source of understanding? No man knows the way to it; It is not found in the land of living men. The depths of ocean say, It is not in us, And the sea says, It is not with me.1 Red gold cannot buy it, Nor can its price be weighed out in silver; It cannot be set in scales against gold of Ophir, Against precious cornelian or lapis lazuli; Gold and crystal are not to be matched with it, No work in fine gold can be bartered for it; Black coral and alabaster are not worth mention, And a parcel of wisdom fetches more than red coral; Topaz from Ethiopia is not to be matched with it, It cannot be set in the scales against pure gold. Where then does wisdom come from? And where is the source of understanding? No creature on earth can see it, And it is hidden from the birds of the air. Destruction and death say, We know of it only by report.1 But God understands the way to it, He alone knows its source; For he can see to the ends of the earth And he surveys everything under heaven. When he made a counterpose for the wind And measured out the waters in proportion, When he laid down a limit for the rain And a path for the thunderstorm, Even then he saw wisdom and took stock of it, He considered it and fathomed its very depths. And he said to man: The reverence of the Lord is wisdom, And to turn from evil is understanding. (JOB 28) DEDICATED To Mr. Gann, a truly remarkable man, —Thanks. You were right. If you seek, you will find. I wonder if you ever knew what your work would do. I wish we could have met. I believe we would have liked each other. We were just in different circles. Oh, well, as you said-big circles and little circles, old circles and young circles, past circles and future circles, will all come together and square out in time. UNTIL THAT TIME, RESPECTFULLY, THE SEEKER PREFACE This story is a true story of a strange and curious search for a strange and curious secret of a strange and curious man who died almos


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