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第14 卷第4期 总第56期 Vo 1. 14N o . 4 M aterials Science Engineering Dec. 1996 100084 , , , , The Factors Influencing the Porous Structure of Expanded Graphite , , , , Cao Naizhen Shen Wanci Wen Shizhu LiuYingjie Wang hengde , 100084 Tsinghua University Beijing . M Inagaki , 060, Hokkaido University Sapporo Japan AbstractIn this paper, the characteristics of poro s str ct re of expanded graphite w ere briefly disc ssed. The infl ences of processing paramet ers sed in chemical method and electro- chemical method for prod cing expanded graphit e on the poro s str ct re of expanded graphite w ere st died. The changes of the poro s str ct re after being grained were also disc ssed. Key wordsExpanded Graphit e, Poro s St r ct re, Processing Param eter 一、前  言 [ 1] , , [ 2] , , , , , , , , , 二、实  验 , 5099, 22 5095 , , 20 QU ANTACHROME AU TOSCAN 33 IX 98% , , , , , , , , , , , 三、结果与讨论 1 1 pH * A 1# 8 90 6 1000 98% 2# 8. 5 113 1 400 98% 3# 8. 5 113 6 400 98% 4# 8. 5 113 6 1000 98% 5# 1# , , 6# 1# , , 7# 1# , 80 8# * * 6 400 98% 9# * * 6 600 98% 10# * * 6 800 98% 11# * * 6 1000 98% 12# 120 6 1000 98% 13# 240 6 1000 98% : * pH , * * 1 , 2 1 1 1# SEM , 2 1# 1, , , 2 [ 3] 50200 / , , m g [ 1] , 10- 3 11# SEM 23 1 [ 1] 10 Lm D binin [ 4] , r 2 nm ; 2 r 100200 nm ; 200 2 , 1# r nm 3. 31198 nm, 420nm , 2 2 1 1, , 1 # 8 , 90 ; 4 A # 8. 5A, 113 1# 4# 2 2 21# , 1# 76. 1382 / , 4 m g # ; 1. 1856 / , 4# cc g ; 420 nm, 4# 1# 4# , 2 * * / 2/ / / ml g m g cc g nm cc g 1# 200 76. 1328 1. 1856 420 1. 910 2# 50 20. 0414 5. 1575 2000 7. 541 3# 140 67. 7450 10. 5902 2000 14. 530 4# 250 69. 8140 9. 4132 2020 12. 390 5# - - 22. 1823 3. 0719 1800 4. 362 6# - - 31. 3707 3. 9588 1980 5. 346 7# - - 23. 7821 0. 9860 420 0. 675 8# 25 26. 1142 4. 5163 1975 6. 539 9# 80 36. 1439 4. 3047 2012 6. 353 10# 130 35. 0168 3. 6830 2012 5. 141 11# 130 53. 4982 4. 9487 1939 6. 589 12# 200 31. 7067 4. 5568 2012 7. 193 13# 120 30. 6979 4. 0755 1975 5. 868 :


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