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2003 年 3 月              传 感 技 术 学 报              第 1 期 Com putational Sim ulation of an Im plan table - Enzym e based Glucose Sen sor Array 1 2    . S H A X ianz heng D av id A Goug h 1. D ep t. of biom ed ical E ng ineering , Ch ina M ed ical U niversity , S heny ang 110001 P. R . Ch ina 2. D ep t. of B ioeng ineering , U niversity of Calif ornia, S an D ieg o , L a J olla , Calif ornia 92093- 0412 Abstract:  In th is paper , the m odel of an im p lan tab le enzym e- based gluco se sen so r array is p resen ted. A n im po rtan t b io sen so r app lication is the con tinuou s m on ito ring b lood o r tissue flu id gluco se concen tration . in peop le w ith diabetes O u r research focu ses on the developm en t of a gluco se sen so r based on po ten tio static oxygen electrodes and imm ob ilized gluco se ox idase fo r long - term app lication as an im p lan t in tis . , - - sues A s the sen so r signal depends on m any design variab les a trial and erro r app roach to sen so r op ti m ization can be tim e- con sum ing. H ere, the p roperties of an im p lan tab le gluco se sen so r are op tim ized by a system atic com pu tational sim u lation app roach. T he electrochem ical characteristics of individual gluco se sen so rs are exam ined and m odels are p ropo sed fo r the distribu tion of oxygen and gluco se in the vicin ity of . individual sen so rs Key words:  m athem atical m odel of sen so r; com pu ter sim u


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